Thursday, June 21, 2012

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

A McWord is a word containing the prefix Mc-, derived from the first syllable of the name of the McDonald's restaurant chain. Words of this nature are either official marketing terms of the chain (such as McNugget), or are neologisms designed to evoke pejorative associations with the restaurant chain or fast food in general, often for qualities of cheapness, inauthenticity, or the rapidity and ease of manufacture. They are also used in non-consumerism contexts as a pejorative for heavily commercialized or globalized things and concepts.

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

mcdonalds jobs

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